How Magic Spoon Nails Its Email Welcome Series

Magic Spoon has some of the best e-mail welcome sequences in the game. 

Check out both the sequencing and types of messaging they use to get people crunching on their healthier cereal. 

Pop-up – The Incentive

Magic Spoon leads off with a contest angle rather than a discount in their pop-up. This route can help prevent the expectation of discounting early on, which is something Magic Spoon likes to avoid. 

The opt-in rate will potentially be higher than a discount offer, but conversion rates can be lower depending on the backend follow-up flow.

The design and copy are perfect. 

Notice: “Like our cereal, our e-mails contain no junk.” A simple but impactful line of copy.

Magic Spoon Contest

Welcome Email 1 

Magic Spoon reinforces the brand with a killer headline: “Do you believe in Magic?” 

Notice the mid-level CTA “Try Now” at the top. 

It’s softer than “Buy Now”, which we love. 

The reviews answer KEY objections that users might have. 

For example: 

  • Does it taste good?
  • Is it diet-friendly? (Keto)
  • Is it worth the money?  

Each review answers those questions – apply this to your own brand!

Magic Spoon uses lots of faces throughout their e-mail photography. It’s a small detail, but incorporating a human element goes a LONG way.

Magic Spoon Welcome Email
Welcome Email 2

Welcome Email 2

If you didn’t convert on the first e-mail, Magic Spoon hits you with this welcome e-mail. 

Right away, they’re focusing on crucial value props: Low carb, high protein. 

The variety pack is the main focus of a high AOV and helps consumers figure out which flavour is their favourite. 

Don’t risk pushing one particular flavour early on. The consumer might not like it and give up on your brand.

Introduce them to a couple of flavours. Even if they don’t order the variety pack, they’re aware of your offerings. 

Welcome Email 3
Welcome email 4

Founder Story

This is absolutely vital to have in your welcome series flow. 

It’s a great way to connect consumers with your brand early on. 

It’s a simple e-mail that answers the following: 

  • Here’s the problem we noticed.
  • Our “Aha” moment.
  • The steps we took to solve it.

Notice the soft CTA “Learn More.” 

This helps transfer users from the e-mail to the website where they’ll potentially make a purchase. 

Magic Spoon Founder E-mail
Magic Spoon Founder Email 2


This is a classic ‘back in stock, but never went out of stock,’ 

Notice the two CTAs which help measure intent. 

Once someone clicks on either button, you can funnel them into other campaigns. 

The copy is spectacular, and the product-specific testimonials and UGC-style images complete this e-mail. 🚀

Magic spoon email option


This e-mail helps build a human element into the Magic Spoon brand with killer copy and a look into one of their values: Weirdness.

While 99% of this e-mail is about their people and hiring, they do sneak the CTA in: “Fill your bowl.”   

We don’t know the data behind this e-mail, but I think we’d be surprised how many sales they get off this. 

Test it out for your own brand. 

Sales Email 

Up to this point, Magic Spoon has delivered all value-based content. 

They established the brand, why they’re great, and why you should buy. 

All this is done before providing any type of discount. 

Every brand is different – some provide discounts in the first e-mail while others, like Magic Spoon, want to establish themselves first. 

This e-mail comes eight days after signing up, and the coupon is perfectly placed in this e-mail. 

The girl pointing towards the coupon is a nice touch as well. 

Notice the time limit – just 48 hours. 

If someone doesn’t purchase from this e-mail, send them a 24-hour reminder with an increased value coupon (like $10).

Transactional Email: 

These types of e-mails can be super dull, but Magic Spoon crushes it. 

Notice that they’ve changed the font colour – a simple but essential element that continues to drive the brand. 

Transactional – Part 2 

Highly engaging graphical e-mails that you can mark as transactional (like this one) are incredibly underutilized, notes Julien. 

When marked as transactional, it means the e-mail will be delivered to those who purchase, no matter if they’ve opted out of marketing e-mails. 

Notice that they’re anticipating questions and trying to provide answers early on – GREAT customer experience move. 

Order Shipped

The estimated delivery date is in its own box, which is harder to execute than you’d think – great work. 

The transaction data is standard, but it’s in Magic Spoon colours. Plus, the graphics and floating cereal make this an exciting e-mail to receive. 

Order Delivered: 

They’ve probably had supply chain issues before, so they’re getting ahead of it by stating, “If you didn’t receive everything in your order, hang tight.” 

Again, it’s a great CX move and something ALL brands should apply if you’re having logistical issues.

Final Notes: 

Magic Spoon’s e-mails are heavily loaded with images. 

Be sure to incorporate more HTML, so it doesn’t hurt your deliverability rates. 

Remember this for your own brand!

Like what you’ve seen from their e-mail sequencing? Check out Magic Spoons Facebook ads here.

Published by Adrian Vella

He is the co-founder of Tyviso and COO. With 10 years experience in digital advertising, Adrian honed his skills primarily at online behemoth Yahoo!. Working across a range of specialties including, Search, Display and Native he twice received a CEO commendation and industry rising star at the IPA Media Owners awards. After Yahoo he gained further experience in Director level roles in Lead Generation, Affiliates and Influencer marketing, sitting on the industry steering group for the last. Adrian's goal is to enable all e-commerce brands to achieve risk free sales at a fixed cost.

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